A Happy Hogmaster Customer From Anderby Creek Loving Her Machine!

We’ve just had a rather excited phone call from Julie, a pub manager and proud owner of one our Hogmaster machines! She wanted to let us know how well she has been getting on with her new investment and the positive impact it has had on her business.

With the summer season fast approaching, Julie knew that all the pubs in the local area would be dragging their tired old barbeques out of storage and firing them up in an attempt to fill up their beer gardens on sunny weekend afternoons. She knew she had to think outside the box (or at least the barbeque!) to offer the local clientele something more exciting than her competitors. Then it hit her-being a fan of hog roasts and an adventurous cook herself, Julie decided purchasing a shiny new hog roast machine would definitely give her the edge in the competitive local market. After making enquiries with a couple of other companies, she hadn’t found what she wanted – the machines were too heavy and cumbersome, too inefficient or simply too expensive. When she called us and we told her about our state of the art Hogmaster, she knew it was the one!

Julie is amazed at how practical and easy to use the Hogmaster is. She told us she has no trouble manoeuvring into any position she wants, either inside the pub or outside in the beer garden. This is very important to Julie, because not only did she want a sociable and superior method of cooking as a showpiece for her customers (there is a glass panel in the front so everyone can watch the meat cooking!), she also wants to be able use it indoors if the weather lets her down. The Hogmaster never lets her down though, as it produces the same fantastic results whether it is used indoors or outdoors!

Julie also can’t believe what excellent value for money it is, both in terms of the cost to buy one and also how economical the cooking method is. With one machine having the capacity to cook a 75kg pig, as well as a range of other meats, Julie has no trouble feeding her lunchtime crowd-a crowd which is getting bigger by the weekend, thanks to Julie’s new Hogmaster!

Thanks for the great feedback Julie, we’re glad our Hogmaster is helping you to stay 10 steps ahead of the competition!

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