Even though the Hogmaster is one of our newest machines, it still comes with the same great versatility of other machines. As you may well know, if you have read our previous blogs, there are two types of cooking methods that can be used on our machines.  The first method is Hog roasting…

This may not be what you would traditionally think of when you think of hog roasting but it consists of the pig cooking in a tray as opposed to rotation on a pole, which we will come to later. When Hog roasting a hog tray will be put into the Hogmaster machine and the Spit pole removed. Then you can place the pig in the tray so it can cook. The tray can still support a 70 kilo pig and still provides perfect crackling and succulent pork. If you are wondering why you would rather do this, as opposed to spit roasting then wonder no more! Firstly, it is a cheaper alternative to spit roasting as no motor or pole is required to cook the pig. It is also easier for people who are novices in the Hog roast industry.
But what if you want to pay more and create a spectacle? The look no further than spit roasting…

Spit roasting is what you would traditionally think of when you think of hog roasting. This is where the pig rotates on a pole that is powered by a motor. This is defiantly the common perception of hog roasting as the pig slowly rotates over the flames as the smell wafts through the air. The Spit pole works by being rotated by a motor, over the flames; this gives fantastic results and an evenly cooked pig. To put the pig on the Spit pole, you will have to buy other extension on for the spit pole which includes u-bolts, 4 pronger attachment etc… All of these parts are vital in order to keep the pig in place on the pole and cook the pig evenly. You may be thinking that this could cost a lot of money, and although this true, in terms of a spectacle a spit roast is the best thing to get the crowds excited.

Now that you have read about the different cooking methods available on the Hogmaster, I’m sure it won’t be long before you are trying out hog or spit roasting for your self.

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