Buy Your Own Hog Roast Machine!

Here at Hogmaster hog roast machines, we are keen to help our customers either start or further develop their own catering businesses. We not only hire out our own hog roasting machines so that you can expand to include this wonderful way of cooking meat when catering for others, but we also sell those machines, both in-store in the northwest of England and online, where we often ship our well-rated equipment to budding hog and spit roasters all over the world.

Whether you have experience of hog roast machines or you are a total newbie, and whether you have used our machines or a different brand in the past, we can help professional caterers with short-term or long-term renting or with purchasing one of our range. When Judy and her business partner Colin visited our showroom recently, they had also made an appointment to have a look around our factory and even to see some of our machines being built from scratch. Our dedicated staff at the factory are industry experts, proud of what they do and love to help others with learning more about this catering concept, so when the couple visited, we couldn’t help but boast about our brilliant products and chew their ears off about just what they can do for their catering company.

Judy was clearly impressed and Colin was hesitant at first, having little experience in hog roasting, but as they wanted to branch out to cater weddings, they rightly thought that one of our machines would be an ideal addition to the business. At one point during the tour, one of our engineers bowled Colin over with detailed information about exactly what we put into designing our range of equipment and with the science of hog roasting with a hand-built, stainless steel, technological marvel such as ours. That was it; Colin was hooked and he tried to convince Judy to buy a machine that day!

We explained that the smart thing to do was to hire one of our machines first, to see how easy they are to use, how mobile they really are and how economical they can be, not too mention how good a hog roast they can make! Judy and Colin hired one of our machines for a week and will be returning soon to decide which one to buy for their business.

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