Anyone Can Buy A Hog Roast Stafford Machine!

This week we had an enquiry from one of our long-term customers Stuart. Now, Stuart had hosted many Hog Roast Stafford’s in the past and had even cooked up his own delicious roast a couple of times thanks to hiring one of our hog roast machines. This time Stuart was ready to take the plunge and finally put in an order to purchase a machine to keep!

Part of our policy at Hog Roast Stafford for whenever someone wants to order a machine is to invite them up to our factory in the north west where all the machines are designed and built. Here, we believe our customers get the best buying experience as they get to talk to our team of professional engineers and get all the specifications for each machine,so you can be sure you are making the right choice. As Stuart has already hired from us in the past, he had actually already visited the Hog Roast Stafford team at the factory but didn’t want to pass up the chance to have another look around,so he came along anyway.

Once you arrive at our factory, we will give you a quick tour and show you all of the many machines we have. People are often surprised that we have so many different machines with various different attachments and are impressed to see we really do have a machine to suit all needs. As Stuart wasn’t a professional caterer but dabbled now and again and wanted to be able to impress his guests when it counted, we recommended to him the Hogmaster Pro. This is a small yet mighty version of our classic Hogmaster,designed for people like Stuart who want to try their hand at cooking delicious slow roasted meats but didn’t need the size and scale of some of our more industrial type machines.  Stuart was impressed with our suggestion and went ahead and put in his order. We look forward to seeing what you cook up,Stuart!

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