The Proud Pig And Their New Venture With A Brand New Hogmaster!

The Hogmaster is renowned for being a fantastic manufacturer of a well-known and respected brand of Hog Roast Machines! You can event rent our equipment to host your own ‘do it yourself’ hog or spit roast but we also have both professional and domestic customers worldwide who purchase our machines for their own businesses or even to cook at home with.

If you’ve been thinking about hiring or indeed buying your own hog roast machine for your catering business, then Hogmaster Machines can help you with all aspects of the process, from explaining which machine is best for your needs to how to prepare the meat that you’ll be cooking. We love to share our knowledge and experience, to help you to have a highly successful roasting adventure.

One of our customers, Adam, recently bought one of our hugely popular Hogmaster machines from Hogmaster as he was starting up his own business, The Proud Pig Original Hog Roast & BBQ. After being invited to one of our hog roast afternoons at our head office, Adam decided to purchase a machine of his own and his new business venture is now available for private and public hire for events all across East Anglia. His son, Sam, a student who is also a keen chef and makes a mean coleslaw, gave him the idea of forming The Proud Pig. Sam wants a career in catering in the future and what better way than with a family business like The Proud Pig.

Adam and Sam recently cooked a pig for the very first time using their Hogmaster roasting machine and the weather was perfect for an outdoors hog roast feast. The first time can be pretty nerve-wracking and both guys were stressed and nervous about cooking their first pig but there was no need, as it all went very well and they had great comments about their food, which is fantastic and a sure sign of things to come! We wish both Adam and Sam well with their venture

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