Hog Roast Stockport Machines for Purchase!

Whether you are a culinary Queen, or you’ve never made more than a Pot Noodle before Hog roasting could be the way forward for you in your cooking career! With our state-of-the-art Hog Roast Stockport machines take away all the hard work for you and with them you can be sure to get perfect results every time!

This week Isabel got in touch as she wanted to purchase one of our machines. Isabel and her partner Sam run their own catering company but said they had never ventured into the world of hog roasting before and had decided it was about time they gave it a go. Hog Roast Stockport were more than happy to help and arranged for them to visit our machine factory in the North West. For us it’s important that our clients get to view our machines beforehand, so they know exactly what they are purchasing and can even get a feel for using the machines. Additionally, this also offers the opportunity to take a quick crash course in the art of hog roasting so that when you come to use your machine you know exactly what to do.

Isabel was more than pleased with our range of machines and on this occasion decided to go for the Hogmaster Pro machine. This machine might be small, but it is still mighty and more than capable of roasting a hog for a family party or event. In our opinion it is ideal for first time roasters as the machine is fully portable and can be used both indoors and outdoors provided there is enough ventilation.

Happy with her purchase Isabel also ordered a small hog from us to roast at an event she was hosting the following weekend. She vowed that if all went well she would no doubt be back to purchase another machine  in no time!


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